I was arrested by a despicable red-headed young communist from those of who they say «a stiff breeze would blow her over». To this day I cannot understand what forced me to obey her. Probably I hoped they would release me? I saw no blame at my door! After all Khokhrin's sadism was intolerable. Probably I hoped that my willingness to work at the collective farm would be met with ? Probably so! I can only say with certainty I didn't imagine what laid ahead!
* The drawing was created in the early 1980s, about 15 after creation of notebooks and 10 years after the album version. We put it here as we believe it to be important for better understanding of the implication of events. In 1983 E. Kersnovskaya's friends in Moscow made a samizdat type-written version of the work (of 12 notebooks). It contains of six bound volumes. Eufrosinia Antonovna re-drew drawings with captures on some of empty backs of type-written pages. At that time she was 75 years old.

Samizdat, Tome 2, Drawing 75
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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика

From Album 4

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