Azerbaijani Akhundov was stubborn as a mule. The abandoned face «breathed», as the saying goes. So it was necessary to leave it taking the equipment as fast as possible. But he stubbornly wanted to complete the remaining block and sent me to drill it. Mahmud Mamaev, a discharged soldier who wanted to learn how to drill, volunteered to go with me.
Fortunately we were in the bord when the face suddenly sank. The air blast was so strong that we were thrown to the chest of the mine. Dust. Rumble. Darkness. I must confess I was overtaken by terror... But somebody stirred at my feet and I heard a despairing groan.
«Antonovna! What will be with us now?»
And I immediately calmed down collecting myself.
I thought I had to calm him, to cheer him up and said,
«Don't worry, Mamaev! The face sank but we are safe here. Let's mend the light!»
I put the battery cover in place and the light immediately lifted the mood.
«Well, we'll see. We probably can edge under the board. Or they will come from the next face to help us.» 

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 10

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