There was an empty space between troughs and the board. It would be wiser to put the light out, bang on the walls and wait for help but waiting is always difficult and I decided to take risks. I unfastened the battery and decided to crawl.
«Antonovna! Don't leave me!» Mahmudka implored.
«Go first if you wish.»
«Oh, no! It may crash me down!»
«Then I'll go first and you after me. If I get stuck you'll help me out. Okay? It's a mere nothing!»
And I smiled elatedly. He smiled too though his lips were white. I think I also was not rosy. Thus we start moving, I went first and he was behind me. As I thought between troughs and the board there was enough space to crawl and then - even better, you could walk bending.
It was rejoicing! Akhundov, white as chalk, rushed to hug and feel us. Entire shift congratulated us vying with each other. And that was for the reason the air wave hit with such force that turned the conveyor inside out and knocked out all the air bridges like corks from champagne. Yes! We were really lucky! 

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 10

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