Midday. It is hot. I lied down in the shadow of the rock. The smell of grass!
There, on the rocks, I fell asleep as fast as I had not slept for a long time. I was woken with the sun setting towards the horizon. I did not want to go, I would spend the night there if it were not for thirst. I had to go down and get to Essentuki.
Frankly, I was going reluctantly, who wants me - a stranger - there? But the children so happily hung on my crying "Aunt Frosya came!" that a hot wave moved onto me and I imagined I really was not a stranger for them... I overlooked that where the words "ma'am" and "lady" are not in use the words "aunt" and "mother" demonstrate not warm feelings but only the primitiveness of upbringing.
However, it seems to me the children were really fond of me. And I wholeheartedly played the role of aunt who still has vivid memories of her own early years and knows what the kids need.

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 10

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