Album 4. Section 1

                                       March – April 1942

Suiga - Narga - Parabel - Pudino - Kenga - Bakchar - Voronovo.
For several days Euphrosinia went westward along river beds and crossed the Ob from its right bank to the left one. In the very first village she encountered - Narga - Euphrosinia realised the rule of "Siberian hospitality", nobody let runaway exiles in. She passed the nights in the woods and in all sorts of places having a warm blanket in her backpack. In the marshland winter was the season of fuel bucking and Euphrosinia picked up a livelihood bucking firewood for locals.

Euphrosinia planned to go to Omsk, to the south-west from the village of Parabel. But almost all the villages and Old Believers' priories she encountered on the way were uninhabited. Hunger forced her to turn back to Bakchar. The exiled Poles told her a Polish army to fight Nazis was formed in the city of Tomsk. Euphrosinia decided to go to the Polish consul in Tomsk and citing her paternal ancestors to join the Polish army as a paramedic. But that plan also failed. Tomsk was on the right bank of the Ob and Euphrosinia was stranded on the left one. She was late; the ice had drifted off the Ob and the only way to cross the river was by ferry where one should present ID papers and Euphrosinia had none. She had no choice except for going southward.
Album 4. Section 1

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Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

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