Album 2

                                             June-July 1941

The deportation of groups of Bessarabian started on June 14, 1941, with the separation of fathers, or "householders" who were extrajudicially taken to prison camps from family members exiled to Siberia backwoods.
Euphrosinia naturally found herself in the second category. The status of the exile the deprivation of necessities and people were made sensible of that on their way to the exile. They had very little food, water or air, slept on the carriage floor. But with the guards in the carriage lied to the women telling them they would see their husbands at the end of the way the women endured those sufferings. In the with Euphrosinia there were about 40 people including six children, several teenagers and two old women. She always helped the vulnerable. People were deprived of health aid, on the way one of the women happened to give birth and the deported had to deliver themselves. For the whole week the train went through Ukraine, via the city of Poltava, European Russia, via Voronezh, Tambov, Penza, then passed Kuibyshev and Ufa. After the Urals - Petropavlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Omsk. It was very hot there, and Euphrosinia despite the ban left the carriage to bring a bucket of water for a mother with a new-born. For that she was incarcerated.
People were deprived of information, they had no idea of where they were going or what was in stock for them. On June 22, 1941, at a station near Novosibirsk they incidentally heard via the loudspeaker the radio announcement of Germany's aggression against the Soviet Union and declaration of war.
The train went to the Kuznetsk Coal Basin. For a short while the exiled worked at a communal farm and authorities wanted them to stay there to establish sheep breeding and the production of brinsen cheese, but soon they were sent to lumbering - at fist taken back to Novosibirsk and sent along the river Ob to the Narym Area (now - Tomsk Region) to the north.
Album 2

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Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

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