Lyandres's audacity had no limit. Knowing from the same Lyandres that he was admitted as an equal to any member of the establishment Pavel Evdokimovich faint-heartedly allowed him to push around. Lyandres made a lodgement in the morgue only living room while Nikishin slept on seven chairs in the registry. He demanded me to go to the zone before dinner (while earlier we had dinner together) and not to leave the zone on Sundays (the morgue worked on Sundays and besides I usually spent my spare time reading as there was a good medical library in the morgue). Pavel Evdokimovich bowed here too... But the outbreak was inevitable.
One day I came and saw two house painters from the TsBL and Lyandres holding two flasks of methylene blue, that very scarce blue prescribed almost in drops for cystochromoscopy. He told Nikishin,
«You make sure that all this blue were used for whitening! All those prisoners are thieves...

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 8

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