«In prison camp trust nobody…»
I could not possibly believe... How now, Alvina Ivanovna for whom I have done so much? I spent a lot of precious periods of rest trying to find her a replacement in the mine! I persuaded the doctor to get her a job at the clinic. I obtained the consent of the mine director, he let her go. She slept on my bed. And she was the only one whom I showed my black notebook where I have described and illustrated some episodes of my recent biography. I wrote it when at the TsBL. The notebook was sewn up in a fur rug which is my bed. And this notebook... disappeared.
«Haven't you lost anything?» asked me Kapuler, our warehouse chief.
«What can such a proletarian lose?» I smirked.
«What about a black notebook? I saw it. I've read it. At the camp commander. You ask how it got there? Whom did you show it? In prison camp trust nobody… Yes! Alvina Ivanovna...»
«Shame on you for slandering her!» I exploded.
«Yes! For two packs of shag promised by Putintsev! You are lucky that it was Amosov who took the notebook. Putintsev gave her one pack and she howled and asked for the second.
I was shocked...

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 9
Section 1

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