Thank you, Anna Perzhovskaya! I, burned out by hunger, grief and tiredness, thank you. Thank you for your priceless favour sparing me of that "plague of Egypt", of louses!
First of all, she presoaked all my things including the quilted jacket and blanket in heavy liquor and then steamed them in the hot oven. Then, she washed and combed my hair, bathed me in a tub. After that I sat on the oven naked, wrapped in the sukman*. Meanwhile Anna was washing, drying and patching my entire wardrobe. Her clever hands were flying indefatigably and her tongue worked arduously too; she managed to tell me the stories of a great number of people from our and neighbouring villages who landed in the village of Gyngasa.
I couldn't imagine how useful all her stories would prove to be the next day!
* Sukman - woolen jupe.


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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 4
Section 2

from 1 to 12 in all 34   >>
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