Once I had to make up for absence of Sasha Leszczynski at the attendance of ambulatory syphs and I was surprised seeing that every entering patient immediately asked, "Where's Sasha?" And then, very reluctantly and only after repeated invitations, rolled up a sleeve or lowered pants.
Probably Sasha actually has a very easy hand, I thought, none of the patients had either a knot or even a mark of a needle.
I found out the secret when a cart man entered and without worrying to undress gave me a ten-rouble note and turned to leave.
"Stop! Where are you going? Take off the pants, you need biquinol today!"
"I need nothing of your kinol! I gave the money!"
"What has money to do with it? Take off the pants..."
"Ai! How no conscience! I gave him ten roubles and not enough. Doctor Sasha took the money. Wrote the paper, no prick!"
So that's the reason of Sasha's "easy hand"...

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 7

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