Like Rome on the seven hills, Dr. Nikishin is on seven chairs and old tattered blanket.
He cared a lot to look like Suvorov. Short, agile, bouncing, with antics - like Suvorov. He had powerful voice not fitting to his small stature. But Suvorov sang in the church and Nikishin in the morgue, Suvorov ate together with soldiers, and Nikishin put his engineer-and- technician ration into the pool to share it equally among all! Suvorov always wore the battle dress, Nikishin - a quilted jacket, boots and cap. However there was a difference: Suvorov douched with ice-cold water every morning and Nikishin was afraid of water. But the most important difference was that Suvorov was plain with everyone and the higher were the boss the more the turbulent old man was on his back, and Nikishin kowtowed to the authorities.

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 8

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