We got a task to earth one mass grave. My mate, a lesbian nicknamed Vanya, was not a bad gal, she set to work diligently. Vanya and I finished well before the end of the working hours. Now we could straighten our back and relax. Vanya sat down on the mound, I purged the mud from the boots.
«Hey there! Why lolling? Work, now!» I heard a guard's bark.
«You gave us a task. We carried our task out.»
«Sto-o-op ta-a-alking! What did I say? Wo-o-ork!»
After that - thump of a blow and a wailing voice, «We finished our task!» Then - more blows.
Vanya began to cry covering the head with her hands. The guard became brutal, blows rained down heavier and heavier. Seeing that beating of the girl I lost control. I jumped, gripped the rifle with both hands, gave a wrench and it landed in my hands...

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 9
Section 1

from 1 to 12 in all 37   >>
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