Sun, Air and Water... What could be better? At noon, when the heat is on peak, I decided to have a rest. Going to the brattle of water I went down in a ravine. I was not mistaken a mountain river (Agetev, as I later learned) rushed over the rocks there. I took fancy of a rock piece, its surface was flat and next to there was a backwater, rather deep and quiet. I quickly undressed, put on a swimsuit and plunked into that basin. The water literally stung me, it was icy. I jumped out, sprawled on the rock... and immediately sprung to my feet - the stone was hot as a frying pan! So it went on - from the icy water onto the hot stone and back. In a way that was like a Siberian baths - from a steam room into an ice-hole. But I wonderfully refreshed and rested.

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 11

from 1 to 12 in all 56   >>
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