<I decided to celebrate Easter properly. Not so much for myself as for Pasha and her children. It was hard to imagine but she had never seen a real holiday in her life. It was the real Easter table!
The tramp of many feet was heard in the anteroom and the door opened... Grisha Drobotenko, three officers, apparently his friends, and the communist-party-cell organiser were on the doorstep!>
Poor Drobotenko turned white in fright but the party organiser called the play.
"Well, let's exchange a triple kiss and sit down to table!" he said.
Everyone started exchanging kisses. The kids shrilled with excitement and clung to the father who held the newborn in his arms smiling. Is it bad when everyone is happy? And dreadful events are looming.

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 1
Section 2

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