[Lotar Gershelman with a local lad who is free which means a descendant of former convicts, delivered rails from Cherkesovo by row-boat while Anna Mikhailovna and I engaged in laying out of a track. We fell and where necessary grubbed up the trees and kids logged them, rolled aside and heaped branches. Then we made levelling of surface.]
Anna Mikhailovna tailored her husband's baggy trousers out of moleskin and made something like dungarees from them and bravely set to work even though a job was above her strength and completely strange for her. She hindered me a lot... I told her to keep the fire burning in the smoker without which it was impossible to work. Besides she baked mushrooms.


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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 3
Section 1

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