They locked me in a box of a room where a got an opportunity to fill some gaps in me education listening to the talk about a "team of propagators".
[A propaganda team was going to some field camps to read newspapers aloud. They were provided with food, given allowances...
They held me in that storeroom for two days. Twice a day took to the crap house but had never fed or given any water. I knocked at the door but they always said, "Everything will be addressed as soon as we put a call through Slavgorod!"
After Slavgorod answered everything was addressed. The conversation wasn't long.
"We arrested a person without any papers. Yes, she is old. Yes, it is a milksop. If it is a milksop should we give her a bum's rush? OK!]

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 4
Section 2

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