[As soon as the order to surrender the weapons was issued I complied. But I surrendered not everything. Winchester I got from the uncle, an ardent hunter, was beautiful like a toy... And so good precision! Besides I had a revolver, Father gave me it as a gift on my 16th birthday. It was of sentimental value for me!
I properly oiled them and hid in a rick of sunflower stems. But there was another problem. The holster for the revolver was given me as a gift by our close friend, Yanevskaya's husband, the man I highly esteemed and by no means could let him come to harm because of me supposing they would find the weapons. His first and family names, Sergey Melegi, were written on the inner side of the holster with a copying pencil.
Be that as it may but I must to take the holster back. So, I decided to find way into the yard of my former house and steal my own weapons.]
I am pulling the bundle slowly with a lot of precautionary steps... Oh, my God! How loudly it is rustling! I drew it out... Alas, the cache is empty... Steady! This is not the right bundle. I need to pull another one, the next... Hurrah! They are here!
[I take the Winchester, then the revolver in the holster. I unbuttoned the holster, drew the plug out of the barrel. Right-o!]


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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 1
Section 2

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