«I know everything about you,» Investigator Titov said. «You have a clear head and you have been able to face the facts in your life!. Now you have a choice, either they will hale you as a puppy or you will be able to step and meet the inevitable!
Was it a hypnotic force or was I just too exhausted to struggle? I had nothing to catch hold of or to rely on. I am standing on the brink of the precipice. Make a step forward! One step and you will never see all of these, the prison, the sufferings with no way out.
And I, like a rabbit sent into a trance strained towards the anaconda...
But there was something in the room deterring me, muted but familiar and dear sounds were flowing from the loudspeaker. It was the fragments of my favourite music. I've already heard them but, good God, when and where? «Solveig's Song», fragments from «Swan Lake» and «The Nutcracker». I need to, I must remember when and where I heard them...

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 5
Section 1

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