«Do you want to learn something useful? The most useful thing you can learn in the camp is sustaining. And survival. I recommend you keeping your best interests in mind, when working try to spare yourself. Scout nothing to consume an extra piece of bread. I see you are indignant. Are you scandalised with my cynicism? Six years ago I wouldn't believe that I ever will talk in this way. And believe me, you will agree with me much sooner that in six years but only in case if you even disagreeing with me yield to my advice and take up the work of not general but very simple use, of your personal one. A human being can normally live without food for more than a month but a «wick», a human being spent to the bitter end, deprived of food will die in two or three days.»
Haim Isakovich Veisman, a son of rabbi from the city of Gomel, a top communist and since 1937 - a prisoner convicted for counter-revolutionary activities is wise and kind. He demonstrated a lot of diplomatic tact and serpent wisdom to save ration and thus life for the members of his team. And it consisted of 123 perchers. They all had a hope to survive. In another team, under Nemirovich, there were 111 people last year... Now there are also 111 but only Nemirovich is the same person. All the others died by hunger one after another. They could not fulfil the quota, [manually cut] 60 wooden spoons a day and got a punitive ration which means a half of it.

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 5
Section 2

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