People kind and fair are everywhere… One of my friends being already released found out that I was on a hunger strike and bad. She phoned to Major Kovalenko, my former boss at the mine #13/15, he, in turn, phoned to the prosecutor, and he – to the commandant of camp #7 Bloch.
He called to the medical unit and ordered to send a nurse to find out about my conditions and if I can walk to take me to the headquarters. The nurse was scared, I had no pulse… She stuck me with camphor and caffeine and I quite cheerfully went to the headquarters. I tried to bite the bullet but… I did not have a long talk with Bloch, he already managed to talk with Doctor Divinskayz and Kirpichenko who was told where to get off. Bloch told me to have a rest, get well and decide where I want to work.
«I would like to be a loader at the PPT base.»
«But that is punishing work!»
«No problem! I am tough!»

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 9
Section 2

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