My first steps into freedom ... I was met with a blizzard. The first blizzard of the year. It threw the snow akin to crumbled glass at my face. And complete uncertainty ahead. I have nowhere to go. But I am happy. Nothing was easy for me. And my release was not easy, too. The case is that after finishing with all the paperwork they gave me to sign one more paper that I will forget everyone staying behind and never talk of what I saw and experienced. I flared up.
«There are people there whom I appreciate and respect. To keep silence? What does it mean? To lie? I have never lied and am not going to start. And one not just may but must tell the truth.»
«But this is just a formality...»
«The signature is my word of honor. And one worth as much as one's word. Or the signature.»
And I was taken back to the zone.
The next day however released. Without money. All-in-all I had 40 (old) roubles. Since 1950, the camp was self-supporting. That is, we accrued (paltry) salaries. A part was detained food (a «guarantee»), while the remaining (how much remains?) was divided in halves. One half went off the books, the other to the release fund (for disabled). Upon release one could submit a written request for some money from the fund to the commandant. I had about three thousand there. I refused.

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 9
Section 2

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