Our boss Pishchik was a scoundrel. And a cunning one. To save resources the old lining is to be cut from the face. The work is very dangerous and requires a miner's instinct. Pishchik wanted to get a bonus for saving but feared to conduct in person. And he did not want to give an order to cut seeking to avoid of being responsible. He found a way out. He issued timber only for the day shift when he was at work, the next shift shipped coal without putting braces. I worked from midnight and had to give him a receipt: nobody can cut the timber from the face when he is away. What could my shift do? The faces are unlined, they should be braced, cut, shot, and only then the shift cat start implementing the work order. Not a rack! Not a shovel of coal! As a result 14 people would not fulfill the order and would starve losing their last ounce of strength... And this is death. There was only one way out: despite the receipt I went to the face together with my workers, we cut the timber, lined the face and then could get to work. We only shot at the end of the shift. Working under non-human strain and risking we poured into the hands of Leib Meyerowitz. He was clear, it was I who ignored his order and prevented him from showing heroism! 

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 10

from 1 to 12 in all 26   >>
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