«Antonovna! If you please give me a piece of advice!» the old bath attendant said. «I have a retrial tomorrow. They summoned me and told that I must plead guilty. Then they will release me otherwise the won't. But I can not, I can not. Yes, I'm guilty: I was a burgomaster. Was a dog for the Germans woofing to everyone. Were that horses or carts... Drove people to work. I am guilty and have been punished for that for already ten years. But they charged me for driving women and children including two my own grandchildren and burning them there alive. But that was not so. The church did not burn down and this was not the case... Neither I, nor anyone else... No, I can not! But if not it will be ten years more. Oh! I wish to die free...
«Heaven knows. To get freedom for lies. And I don't know how to clear oneself from lies.»
The old man pleaded not guilty and was returned to the camp. Five months later he was summoned again, pleaded guilty of burning children, and they let him go home. It is absurd! Unbelievable, but it was so.

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Rambler's Top100 Яндекс.Метрика
Album 'How Much is a Person Worth?' by E. A. Kersnovskaya

Album 10

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